Meredith Carter


SEO 101: Why search engine optimization matters for your business

Have you ever searched something online and wondered how exactly algorithms choose what content to show first? Thanks to search engine optimization (SEO), your site can rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing and appear higher on search pages, so it’s even easier for your ideal customers to find you. Keep reading to learn more about SEO and SEO best practices

What is SEO?

A search engine algorithm’s home page includes a combination of paid and organic content. Paid content, or ads, appear at the top of the search pages, but organic (not paid for) content that is optimized for SEO can appear at the top as well.

Search engine algorithms take multiple factors into account when organizing and ranking organic content. By using SEO best practices, your content can perform better—meaning more prospective clients will learn about your business.

Why businesses need SEO

No matter what your business specializes in, it’s important to make SEO best practices part of your content strategy. Why does SEO matter for your business? Here are just a few reasons:

  • It’s a low-cost way to get your business in front of more customers
  • It provides metrics + data about your audience’s interest
  • It can prove your expertise + credibility in subjects your clients care about
  • It can create + nurture leads 

How to get started with SEO 

While improving your site’s SEO will involve continuous work, it’s easy to begin. 

An important factor of SEO best practices involves including keywords in your content that your ideal users might search. According to Semrush, the best keywords will have a good search volume with enough people searching the keyword to warrant a response and not so many that your content will rank at the bottom of search pages. Put together a list of keywords your ideal customer might search for, and use those keywords to inform your content and your brand’s story.

As you continue learning about SEO, keep your ideal customer and what they might search in mind.

Add SEO to your business’s strategy today

If you want to make sure the hours and labor used for your website pays off, be sure to implement SEO best practices today. 

To learn how BRK Marketing can help your content strategy, contact us today.

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