Ali Bañuelos
It’s human nature to support what you’re passionate about. Non-profit efforts, special causes and passions drive the emotional connection between people. When brands highlight their causes in their brand voice, not only does it aid in the betterment of the community, it reveals a positive brand identity that audiences connect with on a level much deeper level.
65% of people surveyed in this study by Customer Thermometer said they feel an emotional connection to brands who care about people like them. With emotion being a driving force for decision making, businesses with a special brand voice can develop a connection with their audience that is authentic and positive.
Driving a connection, or choosing how to claim your brand voice is a thoughtful process. The brand voice can be defined as the unified voice of values and attitudes a brand holds. It’s not just that the brand can talk the talk, it’s how the brand can walk the walk. Consistency and intention are key to creating the a successful voice that strikes a chord with your audience. The attitude a brand holds, and the values it claims are the driving force for a brand voice—therefore it’s crucial to nail done when crafting a cohesive brand identity.
Some brands choose quirky, unique or eclectic voices. They enjoy being “out-there” and distinctive, therefore the values they highlight are individuality. Some brands choose to highlight a cutting-edge, contemporary energy, and value interactions and behavior that pushes the envelope. Each brand voice is different, and is the basis of the brand’s decision making. A brand voice that entices to target audiences, holds relatable values to customers and separates the brand from the competition can set the foundation for great marketing and brand presence.
To start defining what your brand’s voice is, think of the three main characteristics your identity should ideally embody. Are they accommodating or exclusive? Prestigious or relatable? When you nail down the top key elements your brand voice should embody, start crafting a list of dos and don’ts for each. For example, if a brand is cool and aloof, they don’t use exclamation points when they speak. If a brand is highly accommodating, they always respond to customer questions and reviews as soon as possible. These “rules” you set for your brand serve as your guide for presenting a cohesive, on-brand persona that your target audience will come to know and trust. Start thinking about who you want to be, and then go and be it!