Find out facts about the modern consumer’s attention span and the best practice for video storytelling in this week’s top articles!
1. 10 Surprising Stats You Didn’t Know About Content on LinkedIn
Stats about LinkedIn usage and what kind of content performs most effectively.
2. Abundance of Information Narrows Our Collective Attention Span
Scientific article about our consistently shrinking attention spans, something marketers must keep in mind to grab audience attention.
3. The State of Content Marketing 2019
A series of informative infographics about why content marketing rules.
4. The Evolution of Storytelling with Video: What Works on Facebook, Won’t on Instagram (Or YouTube)
Very helpful article outlining what video content themes perform best on different social media platforms.
5. Testing Reveals Twitter and Instagram’s Efforts to “Reduce Herd Mentality” on Their Platforms
Twitter and Instagram are taking interesting steps to help reduce the “performance anxiety” their users feel!