Josh Kelley


Video Marketing: Make Your Brand 3D

Lights… Camera… Action! The digital world is brimming with video content — from cooking tutorials and vlogs, to obscure hour-long videos of the iconic bouncing DVD logo (yes, it’s real). As the amount of online video content rises, so does the demand for marketers to jump on the trend. The value of video is higher than ever; over 80% of businesses reported to us video for marketing content in 2018, which is a 63% increase over 2017. The number in 2019 rose to 87%, and is only expected to continue growing.

Consumers love seeing video content on social media, and YouTube is the second-largest search engine on the internet — with over 1 billion hours of video on the platform. Studies also found that video engages more users for longer, and is more captivating than simple text or static imagery; a whopping 95% of users said that video calls to action are more more memorable than through text. Another study by Cisco predicts that by 2022, video will be responsible for 82% percent of all internet traffic ― an impossible to ignore statistic for marketers.

Video’s success comes from its ability to relay messages efficiently and in an engaging manner. Three-dimensional aspects like nonverbal communication (body language and subtle cues), sound design and stunning visuals made possible by video technology cannot be replicated by text or static imagery alone. Additionally, because our brain can process visuals faster than words, video allows for quick communication of information with engaging graphics.

So, how can your brand use video to launch itself into the new digital age? The beauty of video is the content can be creative, appeal to emotions and humor, informative or persuasive—even all four at once. Examples include: live videos, webinars, expert interviews, advertisements, product launch videos, and so many more. The list is long and seasoned with opportunities to create engaging and persuasive content for your brand. Plus, thanks to modern technology like smart phones capable of capturing professional camera-quality footage and intuitive software that beginners can handle, the cost benefit of producing video content is more rewarding than ever.

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