Cara Cooper


Turning Real Life Into Leads

In the age where screens dominate communication, real life interaction isn’t dead! If anything, it’s become a more valuable tool to create lasting impressions, particularly for marketers.

Participating in live events can create valuable leads, and opportunities to make meaningful connections exist from the moment you find out about the event to the moment you leave. Take initiative to not only attend events relevant to your industry, but take the necessary steps to put yourself out there and bring in potential new leads.

One major aspect to in-person networking is to plan accordingly. This means proactively researching participants, sponsors, attendees and press; to determine in advance exactly who you are reaching out to and why. Doing so allows you to efficiently network during the time of the event, and make lasting impressions that can lead to mutually beneficial relationships in the future.

It can be overwhelming to research event participants and make connections in advance. Taking advantage of digital resources can ease the pressure and help filter potential contacts. See who’s posting about the event on social media, check out details of the event online and even reach out to clients or other professionals to ask if they will be attending. Digital tools can save a lot of time, stress and confusion when researching event details and attendees. Many times, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram will have helpful information about attendees, as well as hashtags dedicated to the event that organizes all relevant content for you. 

As the event unfolds, take the chance to make your presence known on social media. Sharing your experiences will throw you into the mix of attendees and spread your name across all digital platforms during the event. Doing so allows other attendees to know why you’re there, with whom, and where to find you.

Once the event is over, it’s important to promptly follow up with any connections you’ve made. Email leads directly to open up conversation, and you can also send direct messages via social media or connect with them on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to further solidify the relationship. These outlets can open direct dialogue, help you network within the industry and open up networking opportunities in the future.

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