Ali Banuelos


AdWeek’s Key Social Media Analytics Tips

Last month our digital team was able to join an AdWeek webinar about the best ways to use social media analytics to maximize your brand impact. This topic is only growing more and more relevant to the marketing world, and we’ve put together our top key takeaways to share with you.

Visual Content is Key

Users have been moving toward more visual social media platforms such as Instagram, and therefore so have businesses. In 2018, there were 1 billion active Instagram users, and businesses began shifting marketing ad budgets from Facebook to Instagram.

Authenticity Matters

Word of mouth has huge influence on consumers who value authentic marketing. Since 88% of consumers trust online recommendations just as much as personal recommendations, you can establish this authenticity online.

Influencers Have Impact

You no longer need to be a business that can afford celebrity endorsements to take part in influencer marketing. According to AdWeek, 70% of teen subscribers think YouTubers are more relatable than celebrities, making them a valuable marketing asset that won’t necessarily break your budget.

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