Kyle Toscano


Why Customers Prefer Hybrid Experiences

Endless aspects of our lives are constantly evolving and improving with technology — responsive speakers help us make our grocery lists, our smartphones have a GPS system tracking our favorite locations, and smartwatches can even sense health problems by reading pulses. But, the integration of technology doesn’t mean that traditional aspects of marketing and branding should be overlooked.

Research conducted by Quadient found that hybrid customer experiences average a two-point lead over purely digital or purely traditional customer experience, in terms of user preference. These “hybrid” experiences focus on both digital and traditional aspects of customer experience (CX), much like the formula behind integrated marketing tactics. This form of CX was also found to evoke positive emotions, is enjoyed across multiple demographics (no matter the age, race or sex) and leads in overall customer satisfaction.

The key aspect to hybrid CX is that it focuses on digital facets of marketing and customer satisfaction, while also keeping traditional (in-person) facets in mind. Although purely digital CX is cheaper, it does not add the same emotional value as traditional; and although traditional is more personable and relatable, it lacks the cutting-edge feel of digital focused marketing. When both are combined into customer CX, the holes of each method are filled with one another.

Integrated marketing, along with hybrid customer experience, allows brands to take control of both aspects of branding. It creates flexibility for businesses and brands to cast a wide net across multiple platforms. Each method has their strength, and whether in solely branding or solely customer experience, integrating digital and traditional tactics can improve customer experience and appeal to a broader audience.

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