Rachel Brooks
My summer internship at BURKE has been nothing short of an amazing experience! As a student, it’s hard to imagine life outside of the classroom and this summer internship was the perfect opportunity to open my eyes to the “real world.” If you’re looking to jump in with both feet, an internship is the way to do so, before and after graduation.
After graduating from High Point University in May, and receiving a degree in graphic design and photography, I thought that I had a solid grasp and skill set when it came to using programs like Photoshop and Illustrator. The truth is there’s nothing like working nine-hour days under some tight deadlines to develop and accelerate your skills. The design team here has been very hands on with me and has provided me opportunities to learn, ask questions and better myself as a designer. I’m proud to say that I’m twice as fast, twice as adaptable and twice as confident in myself when tasked with projects; a skill set that is required to be successful in advertising!
In order to keep the team focused in a fast-paced environment, every Monday, the entire company comes together and we all openly discuss the projects that each team member has on their plate. While interning at BURKE, a new project management software, Asana was introduced to the team, as well as hiring a Project Manager. This new system allows the team to collaborate seamlessly, stay on task and project timelines for clients keeping projects on task. Asana has allowed me to stay very organized even in the midst of all of my projects and tasks. I can layout my work by due dates in order to prevent falling behind or missing a deadline.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that I have ideas and a voice that both are important and can help with the overall creative process. No idea is too big, too small, or too crazy! As a designer, you must always be flexible and it is dangerous to get too attached to your idea or design because ultimately, you’re creating for the client and not yourself. I can’t wait to take what I’ve learned from my team and help with creative processes wherever my next adventure may be!
My graphic design professor, Professor Gurly, at High Point emphasized to me and my fellow classmates that graphic design majors should experience agency life, given the chance. The weekly Monday meetings helped me understand why he made that suggestion. To see all the projects, moving pieces, and contributions from all the different departments really allowed me to see all the tiny, obscure, and sometimes ill-fitting pieces of a puzzle. It let me enjoy the satisfaction of everything coming together in a completed project. It’s cool to look back at all the different projects, people and industries I’ve been able to touch and learn about in my short time here!
I have been asked many times if an internship after graduation is the right move or worth it, and it definitely is! An internship gives you the opportunity to see what the work and company are really like. I am grateful for the opportunity and feel like I have a much better idea of my future goals, my capabilities, and the value I can bring no matter where I end up. BURKE has an incredibly talented team with an inspiring creative space and provided an incredible learning experience for my summer. A BIG thanks to Jack and BURKE team for the opportunity and the learnings.